Blazing Paddles - A Pickleball Podcast
Join us, John and Karen, for a married couple's take on Pickleball. Avoid "Pickleball Divorce," saddle up and have a cocktail, have a laugh, and enjoy guests and influencers in this unbelievable explosion of a sport the likes of which we've never seen.
Let's talk about the impact pickleball is having on our culture. From Boomers to Zoomers, every generation is discovering a new passion. A game that wasn't on the map three years ago now has millionaires playing, billionaires jousting, and people scrambling for some piece of the pickleball pie.
Put your ears on and have a listen, you'll be glad you did.
Blazing Paddles - A Pickleball Podcast
Avoiding the Sucking Vortex of Pissed-Off with Carol Bowser
Sometimes an episode names itself. Meet Carol Bowser, J.D., owner and founder of Conflict Management Strategies. Carol, after practicing Employment Law for several years, decided that lawsuits don't often create the level of resolution and satisfaction for the participants. Not only do the employer and employee often become adversarial, the legal representation for both parties are often equally at odds. Working relationships are damaged, sometime irreparably, and the process becomes less about creating a solution and more about zero-sum wins and losses.
In this episode we discuss what truly defines active listening and where we oftentimes fail in the process, eventually falling into (here it is) "the sucking vortex of pissed-off." Like I said, some episodes just name themselves.
One feature of a great interview is when you find immediate tactics you can put into play and Carol comes through shining in that area. Conflict is almost always a result of poor communication, unaddressed issues, and in a workplace - the disconnect between supervisor and direct report in defining and prioritizing expectations.
What are YOU listening for? What are your rules? What are your guidelines? What is bad juju?
Put your ears on and actively listen to this episode of HR Hardball.
*You can even sign up for a "Conflict Tip of The Day" to continually reinforce this new superpower you are cultivating.
Contact Carol at cb@managingconflict.com, visit her Facebook Page, and connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Want to find out for yourself? Download the Aim7 app today. Use our url to get a 25% discount and try the app for a free trial before committing. https://www.aim7.com/?via=blazing-paddles
Special thanks to Crown Pickleball for their support and sponsorship! Don't waste money on balls that break, Crown pickleballs rarely crack, are more visible and have a higher spin rate than the competitors.
Use our link to receive a discount on your next purchase! https://crownpickleball.store/blazingpaddles
Have a suggestion for a guest or topic you'd like to see us address?
Hit me up at john@dink.pro or shout out on social:
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