Blazing Paddles - A Pickleball Podcast

Unlocking PIckleball Performance: The Power of Sleep and Wellness

John & Karen Whitaker / Sarah Moe Season 1 Episode 18

What if you could elevate your athletic performance simply by improving your sleep? Join us for an engaging conversation with sleep scientist Sarah Moe, who shares her unexpected journey into the world of pickleball and how she discovered the crucial link between quality sleep and athletic prowess. Sarah’s competitive nature set the stage for her newfound passion, and she offers expert advice on how sleep can enhance not only your game but also your overall health and well-being.

We take a critical look at the healthcare system, shedding light on the often problematic relationship between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare providers. Sarah brings her expertise to the forefront, discussing the increasing trend toward natural health solutions and the vital roles hormones like progesterone and melatonin play in our sleep health. From grounding techniques to the importance of understanding your body’s needs, this episode is packed with practical tips for achieving a healthier, more balanced life.

Discover the transformative power of sleep monitoring technologies and CPAP machines for those dealing with sleep apnea. We explore personal stories and the benefits of wearables like Fitbits and Oura rings for enhanced health awareness. Plus, we challenge societal norms around co-sleeping, presenting compelling evidence and personal anecdotes that highlight the positive impact of separate sleeping arrangements on relationship health. Tune in for an episode rich with insights, humor, and invaluable advice from one of our favorite recurring guests.

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Speaker 1:

So these last few years where people are saying oh okay, you know I do have some chronic illness, but it's impacting my sleep, getting grounding sheets or earthing mats to stick under your feet while you're working on your laptop from home has been a game changer.

Speaker 2:

You know what they need. They need inserts, shoe inserts I can't. Sarah, I don't go barefoot ever Like I go like a shower barefoot. It's because she's weird, she's gross as soon as I get out of the shower I grab my socks, and as soon as I'm dry I put my socks on, and then I, as soon as I can, I put my crocs on, with my inserts in there, because I have bunions from playing pickleball. So it's like one problem compounds another yeah, do you ever garden?

Speaker 3:

hello picklers. Today we have a special treat for you. It is a friend of mine, a repeat guest, sarah Moe. She is a sleep scientist and this is the third time Karen and I have had her on and we are talking about the relationship between sleep and pickleball today. There's a lot of importance in sleep. We spend a third of our lives sleeping and we know very little about it and it's an amazing topic once we get her going. But she also combines the benefits of good sleep with so many other areas of her life. So if you've never heard one of our conversations with Sarah Mo, time is today, so saddle up and have a listen. You'll be glad you did. It's Friday the 13th and we are doing all kinds of all the Friday the 13th and are doing all kinds of all the Friday the 13th things with technical difficulties, but we fought through.

Speaker 1:

Hey, all of that checks out. I'm just glad we're not up in flames right now.

Speaker 3:

You know what, sarah? You have a. This is a distinguished episode because you're the first three-time guest I've ever had.

Speaker 1:

Isn't this our fourth?

Speaker 3:

Is it no? No, it's third, isn't it? I think it't this our fourth. Is it no? No, it's third, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

I think it might be our fourth.

Speaker 3:

Well, okay, so let's talk, let's look.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'm confusing Because you've talked to the employee.

Speaker 3:

Because we brought you out to the work too. That would be four, and then we're going to have a fifth. When you speak to our employees, when is it Like right before daylight savings?

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm still questioning, though, because I remember maybe, okay, you're probably right.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to have to check. I'm going to have to check that. But the funny thing is too, when we first met and started talking and got on this pod is when we were I was still doing the HR podcast and we were talking, obviously, about the you know, the real sleep epidemic in the in the nation, especially how it impacts people at work and the cost to employees, to employers, and now we're talking pickleball. But it's funny Cause, like the last guest we had is a performance. What is it? Performance excellence doctor. He's a scientist for all kinds of and he is big into the power of sleep as well. It's one of the you know the pillars of his program that he developed as well, and it was like well, shoot, there's an excuse, we've got to get Sarah back on. Now let's talk sleep and pickleball.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't be happier. Two of my very favorite things Thanks to you guys. I mean, when we think about how far we go back now, I was saying how I hadn't heard of pickleball before you. Oh, we introduced you to the sport After we had our last conversation and you were telling me about your introductions into the world of pickleball. It just blew up up here and I just thought about you guys every time. It was so funny. So it's like oh, we're behind. This is actually a blast.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. Now are you playing indoors or outdoors? Outdoors, okay, yes, while we can, but you know it's Minnesota.

Speaker 1:

So once it starts snowing, we'll be, we'll be inside again, but every chance we get outside, that's so cool.

Speaker 3:

You play with your boyfriend. You said you guys play together. How do y'all do y'all play together? Uh, y'all get along when you play. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so here. Yes, so this is a funny story. The first time I ever played was because his ex-wife is on a league with her fiance and they were going out of town. So she was like we need subs or we're going to lose, we're in second place and if we have to forfeit, I know and I was like I've literally never played before she's like you'll be fine, so we just show up at this league. My partner is very athletic. He's a former tennis pro. He can't do anything wrong. It's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

So I was already annoyed.

Speaker 1:

I was like this is going to go horribly. But luckily, you know, it's a pretty, it's an introduction to pickleball league. Everybody there was kind of new and even though they were a few weeks in, you know, he was like just hit a few balls and see what happens. And I played tennis in high school or whatever. And so, yeah, we just started and it was so fun and instantly we just had a really great chemistry. I think the old tennis pro teacher in him came out. He was very easy on me and a great coach and that just instantly sparked us being like okay, yeah, we're going to have to do this now.

Speaker 2:

I cannot even imagine my first time being in a pressure situation like that. You should see how nervous I get when my first couple matches. It is ridiculous. My heart is racing.

Speaker 1:

Oh no. Well, I think with the mentality of they were going to have to forfeit and they would have lost anyway, so if we somehow pull out a win, it's better than not showing up at all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, what people hate more than anything is to not be able to play at all. So they were like, yeah, that's okay. Well, and if he's, and if he's a tennis guy and if he's really good at it, a lot of times you can cover for somebody who's a little less experienced for a while. We've seen that in action.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Yeah, I will say, though I I'm a I'm a quick learner, so he brings out my competitive side. I know I'll never beat him, but I've definitely caused his face to turn a little red once or twice.

Speaker 3:

That's great. You know, that's one of the things we've always said about pickleball. One thing that's great is it's so easy to learn. It's really hard to get really good. You can plateau really quickly and then you have to really work at it. But anybody can step out there and learn and have fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, plateau really quickly and then you have to really work at it. But anybody can step out there and learn and have fun. And you know, yeah, and I think it helps if you're any sort of athlete, if you've ever played any sort of sport.

Speaker 3:

It just seems to translate as long as you're able to have a little bit of foresight, move your body, well, it just, it's so fun yeah, and it's a lot less taxing than, uh, you know, we played, we were going to play tennis and that didn't work out because I hit everything out of the court and started doing it on purpose because I'd get so mad.

Speaker 2:

And so he said he said our coach kept hitting them ball, more balls to me, and I was like, well, that's because I kept them in the in the court, in the court. I mean, I don't know what to tell you. Buddy, keep the ball on the court and he'll hit them to you.

Speaker 3:

I may have had the wrong attitude. You never know.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know how many paddles have you thrown?

Speaker 3:

How many have I had?

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, that's so funny. I'm still learning so much. You know, when you think about it, it's easy to learn, but rules wise, I still'm like, okay, wait, odds, even it's up to this. Oh, and then the one and the two it is. There is a lot it's. It's pretty involved, um, but I did learn very quickly that you can't smack paddles right.

Speaker 2:

It's so funny. Some of the people that we play with that are really protective of their paddles.

Speaker 3:

They'll stick their hand out and not the paddle I turn my paddle and just kind of bump the handle.

Speaker 2:

I've started yeah, that's kind of my thing.

Speaker 3:

Uh, so for those people who aren't as familiar with you, uh, can you give us a little insight into what your, what's your, daily mission? Because you're a sleep scientist. There's not a whole lot of people who can say that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, my daily mission changes, but my background has been the same for about 20 years now, which is crazy to me. I started my career in sleep medicine by practicing sleep studies. I got boarded in what's called polysomnography, which is the study of sleep, so I used to diagnose sleep disorders for patients with things like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia all of that when they would come into the sleep lab. After that, I became an adjunct professor at Minneapolis College where I taught the sleep medicine program, and then I started my small business where I work with corporations and teams to help tired employees. Sleep medicine has come a long way since I've even started. I used to say, oh yeah, I work in sleep and people would say what you get paid to take naps? No, I actually help other people get to take naps.

Speaker 1:

But now, when you talk about sleep medicine even just post-pandemic, this mentality of wellness first it really has just skyrocketed kind of to the forefront of people's minds, which is good and bad. Obviously it's great because we're helping people feel better and really be their best productive selves. But it's kind of bad recently when I've seen all of these things, these money-making devices, these just like products out there where they're taking advantage of people's fatigue. That infuriates me. So I love having conversations about, obviously, sleep in general, but really how even just getting to that point of awareness of saying hey, I'm not supposed to be tired all the time, having that be your first step and just finding solutions?

Speaker 3:

You know, and I found an article. I think I may have even forwarded it to you because we were, I think I think we had this discussion because this goes back to me as personal. I had apnea, I had all kinds of sleep disorder, but the the sleep industry is a big one. It is blown up. It's billions and billions of dollars industry and a lot of that is in uh sleep, uh AIDS. As far as uh prescription drugs and um, they're not always good for you. As a matter of fact, they don't give you the right kind of sleep and that kind of stuff and I think that most people aren't aware of that. Do you have any insight into, I mean, sleeping pills or melatonin and all those types of things?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's such a great point. People aren't aware of it and their physicians and their doctors that are prescribing them aren't even aware of it.

Speaker 2:

That's scary, that's scary.

Speaker 1:

The average I know, the average medical professional gets an hour and a half of sleep education in med school In their eight years of schooling.

Speaker 1:

1.5 hours is spent on a third of our lives and that is terrifying, because then they get kicked out into the systems and we have questions, we have concerns hey, doc, I'm tired. Oh, okay, let's check your thyroid. That's the first place that they always go. Now let's get you in a sleep lab and see if you have an underlying sleep disorder. On top of that, they have the ability to just prescribe, and that is an important part of keeping medical practices afloat. Sadly, that relationship with the pharmaceutical companies is important, and now it's trickling down. So instead of knowing to say, hey, you're tired all the time, let's check out your sleep. They say here's an easy, on-hand solution that's already in my desk drawer. Try this with no conversation regarding if there's an actual physiological problem, let's just throw a med at it and see what happens. And we've seen dire consequences for years from now and they're getting their education from who?

Speaker 2:

The farmer rat that gets? That's just it. Who gets paid to do what? Sell their drug?

Speaker 1:

Exactly who has how much education Less than a doc, whatever, but she brings lunch to the office every Friday.

Speaker 2:

Whatever, Kool-Aid they drink from the company that they work for.

Speaker 1:

Exactly and again, it's really sad because I don't think that the intention is to be harmful. I think most people you know the hypocritical who go into practicing medicine really do want to help. But without that just baseline knowledge of saying, okay, here's what happens in this third of your life and here's how it impacts all of your waking hours, having that easy solution on hand is simply dangerous. But the one cool thing that came from the last few years is less inclination to take pills. More and more people are saying you know what? I'm not going to just throw a medication at it. I don't want to be taking pills until I'm old. Have that pill popping case that is going to keep me going. You know, I want to be able to figure things out in a more natural way and because of that movement there are more people saying okay, like what's going on with my sleep.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to take this sleep aid. Maybe I'll change some habits, maybe I'll get that sleep study or, you know, even just Googling and finding answers for yourself. We've seen a huge uprising in that recently I call it Dr Google. Dr Google, yeah Well exactly, just don't web empty it.

Speaker 2:

What do you think of progesterone and melatonin?

Speaker 1:

So those are two very, very important hormones, especially as we start I even want to say this conversation around menopause in America. It's so interesting how this everybody goes through menopause. Whether or not you go through menopause, if you have a woman in your life, then you are going to go through it. Sorry, you should learn what's going to go down because you will be impacted.

Speaker 2:

Do men have anything equivalent to our menopause?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, but don't they have their monthlies?

Speaker 3:

We're collateral damage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we do, we have all kinds. I do, I do for sure, yeah, yeah we do.

Speaker 3:

We have all kinds. I do, I do for sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there's influx and hormones and all that. That happens especially if you are a sympathetic partner. We find that you, just as we age, we not only start to resemble our pets and our partners, but we also physiologically get a lot more in tune.

Speaker 2:

So it just means that you're a good husband if you are also having a time of the month. Do you want to talk about it? No, I do want to see. This is his new thing. Like I'm bringing him my weight of what's on my heart or my mind. And he's like so do you want to talk about it?

Speaker 1:

That's wonderful. My partner does a similar thing, where he says are you looking for an ear or for? A solution Just an ear.

Speaker 3:

Don't tell me what to do. I was going to say it's got to be, 90% of that is going to be ear for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay. So back to progesterone. What do you think? Because I'm on HRT.

Speaker 1:

Yep. So any supplementation that is helpful I am all for. But that's the thing with supplementing Our bodies when they are deficient in something, they need to be supplemented. If I said to you, oh, you're deficient in vitamin C, supplement with a vitamin C vitamin. That's going to make you feel better. Same with melatonin People who are deficient in melatonin then will supplement with it and that will help them sleep. But if you are not deficient in it, it is not going to help your body. Now, with progesterone, a lot of people don't even know what that is or what time in their life cycle it could be helpful to supplement or have that conversation with their doctor, Because, again, these aren't conversations being had in med school, which just simply needs to change. But that being said, melatonin has been kind of a fix-all for sleep for years, thanks to its amazing marketing. Oh, I'm going to throw some melatonin at it and it's all natural. It's not when you buy something at Target. It's created in a lab and therefore it's a drug. You're taking a pill.

Speaker 1:

But deficiency in melatonin we are seeing more now because of deficiency in serotonin. Now, serotonin is that happy hormone that we create. We go outside, we get sunlight exposure. It's all happening in our gut makes us feel good, makes us feel calm.

Speaker 1:

Serotonin production is really important for feeling well. But serotonin is transformed to melatonin through darkness. So as much serotonin as you have in your body throughout the day, once the sun starts to set and darkness comes, that's going to get into the melatonin production. That's going to be that signal for falling asleep. That's what's going to help you have those easy transitions into sleep. Now, if you don't have a lot of serotonin, like us in the Midwest from August to May, where we have nothing but winter, this is where we're seeing what's called SAD or seasonal depression disorder, and that is because we're not getting sunlight exposure, we're not creating that happy hormone of serotonin. Then we go to sleep, we're not having strong melatonin signals, we're having a bad night's sleep, we wake up and start that cycle all over again. So melatonin supplementation can be very helpful for a lot of people who aren't deficient in it. They take it and they're like it didn't help me at all or it gave me the craziest.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I've heard that. I've heard that I, I take it, I'm, I'm. I don't know why, but I can. If I lay there and I forget to take it, about five minutes later, my mind is still going and I'm like, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I forgot my melatonin as soon as I said, if it works for you, great. Some people it's not going to work, and that's another hard thing about things like sleep aids or supplementation. The loudest people are the ones that something random worked for Like the guy who wrote the mouth taping book. He's like oh everybody, tape your mouths, shut at bed.

Speaker 3:

I'm like oh, don't like that. Was he a serial?

Speaker 1:

killer. I can't tell you how many times I have to tell people don't tape one of your breathing holes shut. There's two of them Breathing right. And if you are breathing through your mouth at night, it's probably because of some sort of nasal congestion, deviated septum. There is something structurally happening forcing you to get oxygen this way. Don't eliminate it. But you know, one guy wrote a book saying the air is cleaner when filtered through your nose. It'll change your life.

Speaker 3:

I even know that's a lie. Well, no it knows. Filtration system is everything your nose is.

Speaker 2:

No, no, that's what she's saying, I know, but he was saying breathing through your mouth is healthier.

Speaker 1:

No, he's saying breathing through your nose, oh, okay. Taping the mouth, okay, oh, nevermind. Yeah, no, but that's just it. Like you hear about all of these strange things, these like kooky little fixes and the different supplementations that you can take and you know, I can't ever rule anything out 100%, because even with mouth taping, I'm sure there's a very small percentage of the population that might actually benefit from it. For some reason they do feel more refreshed and that's great. But for big overall fixes, things like melatonin and the AMB, we just don't want to do that. Our individual bodies are just that they're individuals.

Speaker 3:

If I walk in and see you with tape on your mouth, I'm calling 911.

Speaker 1:

No, call me, Call me, I'll show up.

Speaker 2:

I would not. I'm calling 911. No, call me. Call me, I'll show up. I would not. I would not, I would not. I know.

Speaker 1:

It's so silly.

Speaker 3:

Let me ask you this, because the same thing that you're perpetuating with doctors to prescribe sometimes it's a quick fix and again, one of our best friends is a doctor. Great guy Knows all kinds of different aspects of medicine, but nobody can do everything. What are the questions that you can ask as a patient if you go in there? Because you might have to ask the right questions to prompt them to give you the right info.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so go in knowing that this is a part of your life that could be studied. This isn't something that is necessarily a quick fix. If you started feeling PVCs or premature ventricular contractions, skip heartbeats. If all of a sudden, your heart was like boom boom, boom boom, you'd notice that and you'd think okay, that's a problem. I should have that looked at and I'll go see a cardiologist. That's a problem I should have that looked at and I'll go see a cardiologist.

Speaker 1:

We know that. So when people are constantly fatigued, they go into their non-sleep specialist doctor and say help me with my sleep. So I think a really big piece of education that could be helpful for so many people is that there are specific physicians that are just trained in this that are going to be a bigger help to you. They're in every single city. Seek them out. Have your conversations with the right people so you can get the right answers. The other thing is that we've all learned from a young age that, in order to help us sleep, some sort of medication should be involved, but that is not the case For the vast majority of people, who are tired all the time. It is habit based.

Speaker 1:

It is something that you are doing in the day that impacts the night, but we have kind of that disconnect. We think they're very separate things night, day but it's not true. They're all completely connected, and how we behave throughout the day impacts how we sleep. How we sleep also impacts how we behave throughout the day, and that's where sleep and athletic performance comes in. It's another part of a conversation that just hasn't been there until Tom Brady started winning all the Superbowls and said oh well, it's because all I do is sleep. There's something to that. He's a huge, huge advocate for sleep, which is cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's, he did all kinds of research into how to prolong. I mean, you don't get to be 40 years old and still play in the NFL if you haven't done all kinds of research. I remember him talking about that. He's a solid eight, solid eight every night, and you know this. It was life-changing for me. I finally, you know, got the diagnosis and went through different iterations of breathing aids and all that and finally have the little nose thing on mine and have the c-pep and that worked for years and years. It's told us to the point now where I think I've taught myself how to breathe right and so I don't even have to wear it all the time. Uh, but I got a new, new item that I got this week. I got grounding sheets.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I gotta hear this.

Speaker 1:

Something that very few people know about again. And the science, all the studies. It's so cool. So grounding sheets or earthing sheets or mats. The science behind this concept of earthing is that human beings used to have constant contact with the ground, with the earth.

Speaker 1:

There weren't roads, there weren't shoes. You were in the dirt farming, you were trekking across miles and miles with contact to the earth, and the earth releases these free ions into your body that reduce inflammation. Now, in America, right now, the biggest chronic illness issue that we have is well, I guess it depends on the region One of the biggest issues is that we see inflammation causing other disease. So, with the reduction of inflammation, this is something that, across the board, can help people. Now these grounding sheets or earthing mats are plugged into a grounded outlet and then they also recreate this free ion exposure, which has been shown to reduce inflammation in your body, which has been shown to increase all kinds of things circulation, blood flow, wound closure, sleep. So these last few years, where people are saying, oh okay, you know I do have some chronic illness, but it's impacting my sleep, getting grounding sheets or earthing mats to stick under your feet while you're working on your laptop from home has been a game changer.

Speaker 2:

You know what they need they need inserts. They need inserts, shoe inserts.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you have to ground them somewhere.

Speaker 2:

I don't go barefoot ever Like I take a shower barefoot.

Speaker 3:

It's because she's weird, she's gross.

Speaker 2:

I mean, as soon as I get out of the shower I grab my socks, and as soon as I'm dry I put my socks on with my inserts in there, because I have bunions from playing pickleball. So it's like one problem compounds another.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, do you ever garden?

Speaker 3:

hey guys, quick break before we get back to chatting with sarah. Did you know that blazing paddles is more than just a really cool name and a really great podcast? We have also now gone out to facility openings. If you're interested in having an event live streamed or have us actually do the show at your facility, get in touch with us. We bring the whole crew out, we set it up and it's actually been a lot of fun to do so. If you're interested in having placing paddles on site at your pickleball event, you know how to get in touch with us. Let's get back to Sarah and talk sleep.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever garden?

Speaker 3:

No, oh, okay, gard gardening has recently been on your knees and stuff like that. Yeah, you need grounding sheets. You sleep in the buff I know, but so do.

Speaker 2:

Now let me ask you this does the sheet have to touch your like, so do you? Do you have to sleep naked, and do you have to have it actually physically touching your body, or can it go through a sheet or whatever?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you should have some skin exposure. You don't have to be completely naked If you're sleeping in something small on your arms if you get enough exposure for it to enter through the pores of your skin. But the soles of your feet are very effective as well, which is why some people like just a little small mat that they can do for 15 minutes a day. Is that all it takes?

Speaker 2:

Well then, what I should do is get a mat that I can stand on, but do I have to be barefoot?

Speaker 3:

You have to she's a germaphobe, you'll get used to it. She's a germaphobe, that's her problem.

Speaker 2:

You know, what they made is a mat that can instead of a full sheet, maybe if I had, because, see, I also sleep with a heating pad, a weighted heating pad, because I like the weight on me, so I'll have to look into these things.

Speaker 3:

It's a whole process. It really is, it is. It is she's like in her little cocoon that she's created.

Speaker 1:

I've got the pillows all around, but how do you feel when you wake up?

Speaker 2:

I feel good as long as I can get enough sleep, but I mean I'm an eight hour plus, yeah, yep. But where am?

Speaker 1:

I getting my ions? Well, you haven't. It doesn't sound like you've gotten them for a while.

Speaker 3:

Where am I getting my ions?

Speaker 1:

I think you're okay. Maybe inflammation's not an issue for you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it is as much as you, you know, as much as we play, that's one thing for sure, because as much as she plays, for sure I mean, we have these what do we? Call those things, those compression?

Speaker 2:

The Norma Tech compression leg compression where you use them every single night for like three hours.

Speaker 1:

I'd suggest just trying them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker 1:

You could keep a little tub, a little foot soaker, next to it. You put your feet in there first, and then on the mat and then back into the tub.

Speaker 2:

I had never even heard of this until his boss actually doing these things where he walks out in the lawn for a certain amount of minutes, or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That's the easiest way to do it, but it sounds like we need to do the quicker the better. That's the easiest way to do it, but it sounds like we need to do the quicker the better.

Speaker 2:

Texas, you step your foot out in a grass barefoot, you're going to get bit by a bunch of fire ants. They are mean and nasty. I will not.

Speaker 3:

If I lived where you lived.

Speaker 2:

I'd love to go up north, actually, and take my shoes off and put my feet in the grass. But Texas, no way. Have you heard? Everything's big in texas. These bugs are.

Speaker 1:

They're man-eating, they're horrible I stay here, for, yeah, we don't have hurricanes, we don't have snakes, that's true oh wow, I didn't even think of that.

Speaker 3:

You're lucky you got all the lakes.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful up there, yeah absolutely, we do have the snow yeah, well, you but I love snow too.

Speaker 2:

I would.

Speaker 3:

I would be have a hard time with the.

Speaker 2:

The sad that that thing, the seasonal thing, I I know for a fact that would be tough oh, they do have a grounding mat for your bed, just like a grounding pad, like a. There you go. All right, I can do that.

Speaker 1:

I can do that okay, make sure you check and see how it might interplay with a yeah I'm not sure, electrically. They said.

Speaker 2:

It'll make you tingle, they said it'll make you tingle oh no, like it'll make you good I don't have to turn the heating pad on and I just like the weight of it. But I do like, like the work.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a weighted blanket?

Speaker 2:

That's what I can do. I can do a grounding mat and a weight blanket.

Speaker 1:

Oh God this is you know what this is so normal? Everybody has their, their steps, their little things there. You know we had one of the oh my gosh. One of the teenagers came into our room at three 30 in the morning, at 3.30 in the morning two weeks ago to ask to take our fan.

Speaker 3:

What no?

Speaker 1:

When I tell you the fuse I have is first of all, what are you still doing up? Second of all, no, you cannot have our fan. This box fan is up against my head for a reason. We all have our things Right.

Speaker 2:

Because I always sleep. We have a what do you call it? Air purifier in our room, which is, yeah, when we are, cause I always sleep. We have a uh uh. What do you call?

Speaker 2:

it Air purifier in our room, which is our fan, and then when we travel on the road I have the white noise or the pink noise and app. You know cause I have to have that. I cannot lay there with the size you could sleep. He could sit on the couch and just fall asleep and with me cooking or whatever, and cook, sleep right through it. I would never. I cannot. It's a gift, in fact. I can't nap, or I can't even nap Like even if I'm, but you want to. No, I really don't.

Speaker 1:

We we want her to occasionally you know, I've had a lot of people say I want to be a napper but I can't fall asleep, and I always recommend just using an eye mask, because most people who wear an eye mask every night have that trained behavior. And so it's. You know, human beings, we're quick studies, we're quick learns. We're also very stupid. So if you do something over and over five nights in a row pulling that eye mask down, and then you want to take a nap on day number six, grab that eye mask, pull it down, you'll be out. Oh really, yeah, we're so simple.

Speaker 2:

Interesting, so I have to create that habit. You helped our friend Abe and his wife. Yes, they're much happier now that he has a CPAP.

Speaker 1:

That's wonderful. I fully believe that we are all going to get handed CPAPs when we turn 50 one day, the same way we have to go get colonoscopy. Really, here's your CPAP. Yep, so many of us have such a quickening relaxing of tissues. And 50 is not old. 50 is like this is. You know, when we were young and you think of 50, you think of like what a 90 year old would look like.

Speaker 1:

But no, once we get to that mark, it is a very quick process of the relaxation of our muscle tissue externally and internally. So you know, when you start to get the sags and the wrinkles, all that's happening inside, which means those tissues collapse on our airway and stop us from breathing, causing sleep apnea. So it's not a given that as you age, you will have sleep apnea, but you are more likely to develop it as you get older, which is a small price to pay. So when people are like, ok, yeah, no, I got to go, I got to wear that, I don't want to wear that Darth Vader mask, it isn't like that at all and the benefits of having to put that thing on your face at night are indescribable. So it's great that he took advice that he it's. Most people have to reach a breaking point where they say, ok, now I'm actually going to go do something about it, but once you do, no pun intended, it's like night and day.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think his wife reached the breaking point before he did. That's usually the case.

Speaker 2:

She was so not happy. The one thing that so now we fixed his breathing, but then he's got Jimmy legs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that usually comes after. So it's a form of RLS or restless leg syndrome that comes with that oxygen flow. So prior to being on CPAP he had diminished circulation. You're not taking in oxygen because of that blockage. Your body starts to use what it's got and just kind of minimal work is happening when we have proper oxygen flow. Once that started, once he got on CPAP, then his nerves got reactivated and now they're feeling more. Their sensitivity has returned because of the cellular regeneration and he's going to be just a little more sensitive. But if he wanted to get something like some magnesium supplements or collated magnesium, that's usually helpful.

Speaker 3:

Magnesium collated.

Speaker 1:

Collated C-H-E-L-A-T-E-D, and that's just a higher absorption level.

Speaker 2:

L-A-T-E-D and that's just a higher absorption level, and then that's and not every supplement brand is the same right. So you have to be very selective, Like we're. Just, we just got some stuff from Thorne and I think they have that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I always say go middle of the line. If you're shopping for anything, whether it's a sleep product, a supplementation, anything like that, don't get the cheapest one. There's a reason. It's that price point, but the most expensive one as well isn't necessarily going to be more helpful than something that's right down the middle of the line. So I just say you know, if you're going to pull up Amazon, go in the middle, and those are usually incredibly effective for the vast majority of the population.

Speaker 3:

Okay, Well, and you know, one thing I think that is maybe bringing education to the individual now is like everybody's wearable now, but we've all got our wearables and it's so fun to look at. You know, what did I do in all my sleep and where was I in REM? And all this kind of um. How, I mean, do you think those things are accurate? Do you think those are giving us a fair look at what we're doing?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I give them a, B plus.

Speaker 3:

Here's why.

Speaker 1:

When I first got mine I did a little experiment and I didn't go to sleep. I propped my arm up on a pillow and I watched movies on my laptop all night. I used to stay up all night in the sleep. It wasn't that big of a deal. And then in the morning I read my report completely inaccurate, wasn't that big of a deal. And then in the morning I read my report completely inaccurate it showed a lot of sleep. That didn't happen and I wasn't nodding off and I didn't recognize.

Speaker 2:

I literally, am a sleep expert. I know when everything was happening.

Speaker 1:

And then the next day I just kind of slept as normal and it said I was incredibly restless but I felt great. Obviously I hadn't slept the night before. So without electrodes on our brain we can't definitively determine what stage of sleep we're in. That being said, the algorithms are improving. The mechanics of these things are so impressive and a lot of times when I wake up in the morning and I was just having a dream, I know I was in REM sleep because we dream in REM. And if I am woken up knowing I was just in a dream, I will pull up my Fitbit report and see if it just said I was in REM and had an abrupt awakening, and most times it's accurate, I'm like okay, fitbit oh that's pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got the ring. Now I do the aura. It's been pretty cool for me. It does and it tells you you know your heart and your sleep patterns and all that. And I just wondered. I wonder the accuracy of this stuff, because I'm a nerd. I love looking at it every day.

Speaker 1:

Well, right For what's on market that is considered the highest rated right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, and on the pickleball court, one of the guys got a wearable for the first time, gary, because of our friend who passed away suddenly of a heart attack at 55 a couple weeks ago. It was the saddest thing ever, but it jolted him so much that he was like and at one point when I was playing, my heart rate got to 160. I felt like I was going to like I had to take a breath for a minute.

Speaker 2:

And so he went and got one because of those two situations, Because he's like I got to be monitoring this Like he has no idea what his heart rate would be, and but then there's no reason not to. So we got done playing and he was like yeah, it says I got 12,000 steps and I was like mine says 5,600 and I move way more than he does. So the accuracy thing is like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Yep, exactly. Yes, there will be blips and everything, but I do love that big picture, especially as we do age, as we do remain active. We have to remain active to continue aging. But it's good to have those tools because the technology is available. Why wouldn't we? You know, I think about when my son was born, I was so scared of SIDS.

Speaker 1:

And that was something that was constantly be in the news, just like don't let your baby sleep on their stomach, and you know, and that is such a fear for new moms. But now they have these monitors, little respiratory belts that you could put on your baby with you know the visual, and if one heartbeat is skipped or an oxygen level, an alarm goes up. Gosh, just think of having that technology 20 years ago. That would have been amazing.

Speaker 2:

I would have gotten a lot more sleep because we had two monitors on him at the time. They were so bad, you know. So we had a black and white one and we had the audible one.

Speaker 3:

Um, they didn't have colored monitors back then all I would do is sit there and look at it. We would just stare at it is he breathing? Is he breathing?

Speaker 2:

yes, did he move? Our boys had to sleep on their stomach. They were colicky and that was the only way that they liked to sleep and I I couldn't blame them. I mean, I grew up sleeping on my stomach, so when we think about neck control.

Speaker 1:

that's the biggest thing. If they're too young and they have no ability to move their head, of course these infants will smother themselves. So we say back is best for those types of situations. But if that's the only way that sleep was achievable for those types of situations, but if that's the only way that sleep was achievable, that's as important, because if your child is not sleeping, they will develop what's called failure to thrive.

Speaker 1:

So, if your child has colic and they're on their back, they're not achieving high quality sleep. That baby will not develop, they will be very skinny, they won't put on weight, they won't grow neurologically, their synapses won't form. So failure to thrive is awful for these babies who can't sleep. So you know, it's really such a tough time for everybody just to know how to grow and live the best, especially through sleep deprivation. Oh, new motherhood is the worst.

Speaker 3:

It's first child too. You're just so neurotic and scared of everything.

Speaker 1:

Do you want to hear something interesting with first children, when you reproduce, the hormone that's secreted in women, I'll find what it's called I forgot uh is something that helps you wake up to check on the breathing of your offspring. So it's not. It's an automatic behavior for us. Is it alive? Is it alive.

Speaker 1:

And then, with your second offspring, less of that hormone is secreted, because if you're first survived, you understand that the chances of survival are increased. You're not as worried. And then with your third, it's minimal, but unfortunately that hormone still remains in your neurological system, forever, meaning you will still have spontaneous awakenings for no reason if you reproduce. Wow, so men will still have spontaneous awakenings for no reason if you reproduce, wow. So men don't have this, no, but they hopefully have a wife. That does.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she did. Yeah, I had that wife. Yeah, but it was yeah. That's interesting, though, like our caveman DNA is just like yeah, that are wired for survival and keeping our kids alive.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yep, keeping those offspring alive, because that's what it's all about. Just keep populating.

Speaker 3:

Now, did you ever have a sleep disorder yourself? I haven't no.

Speaker 1:

No, no, Outside of hypocrisy. No, I've been known to mess with my sleep out of pure curiosity. But I have had multiple sleep studies and I'm quite certain that I have not yet developed anything of concern. But that doesn't mean I won't. My dad was a shift worker too. He worked for the local newspaper. He was the distribution supervisor, so he had to leave for work at midnight and get home at noon, which was awful when I was trying to sneak back in the house in high school and have to wait outside my window for a bit.

Speaker 1:

He pretended he didn't see me a lot of times but I developed kind of that night owl thing and my first job in high school was at Blockbuster Video. So I would stay up and watch movies and sometimes he would get up and leave for work and he'd just say, hey, how's the movie? He wouldn't make me go to bed, he didn't really care. So I think I've always had a little bit of a circadian rhythm disorder, but nothing that's impacted how I'm able to function in society, which is sad for people with sleep disorders that really can.

Speaker 3:

Hey guys, one more interjection before we get back to our conversation with Sarah. Shout out to everybody who is sporting their Dink Pro pickleball wear. And we have a special addition to the line that's coming out this holiday season. Soon to appear on our website are the amazing crafts that my wife is making out of discarded pickleballs Ornaments and trees and wreaths. It's pretty amazing. She's a creative genius and we're going to have those on our site starting in late october. So look for those. It's a perfect gift. We all know when it gets around to christmas time, instead of getting somebody a cheesy pickleball towel or something like that, get them an ornament. They're going to think of you for the rest of their lives every christmas when they hang these cool little dudes up. So let's's get back and talk to Sarah Moe sleep scientist. Well, you do, and I forget the kind of the origin story. But what captured you that this is what you wanted to do, because it was not very well-known study back then. You were one of the first right, it wasn't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I actually wanted to be a nurse.

Speaker 1:

And so I went I'll exaggerate and say about a week, it was two days to nursing school and fainted twice from needles. I just thought if I forced myself into it I would get over it and I didn't, it was embarrassing and painful.

Speaker 1:

So I ended up looking at other medical fields where I could work overnights and help people. I just thought, you know, I wanted something similar to nursing and this sleep program had just opened in Minneapolis. It was one of only, at the time, three in the country. Now we have seven accredited sleep programs. But yeah, I got accepted into the program and instantly became obsessed. I just remember learning different stages of sleep and what happened in each one and I thought how is this not a part of elementary school education? This is so cool and this is something that people need to learn about. I dorked out so hard. I started a polysomnography club at my college.

Speaker 3:

That must have been a big, big draw. How many people were in your club? How many people were?

Speaker 1:

in your club, but we would hold educational booths in the skyway and give out pamphlets. But here's the cool thing that club still exists at my school. So the people who came after me, they just passed the baton every year and that little club at my college still still, I see every once in a while. One time they had a booth at the state fair. Oh my goodness, how cool is that. I know it's a lot cooler now than it was.

Speaker 3:

You're the OG you did it.

Speaker 1:

I'm a pioneer. That's awesome.

Speaker 3:

That's so funny.

Speaker 2:

Three things Way more than two. Two of my classmates. They were my friends. That's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Three, I guess it's a club you know Way more than one Right Two of my classmates. They were my friends.

Speaker 2:

I made them Join my club. It's really cool. It's me, it's me. I felt so. How often are you playing pickleball?

Speaker 1:

Probably twice a week with our friends or partners and such. But we'll go play each other. We have this private court down the street. It's a huge corporation and they have a big campus with basketball courts, pickleball court only. They all work from home now.

Speaker 2:

No way.

Speaker 1:

Private, deserted, gorgeous pickleball court. So we just walk over there constantly. Only one time in the last two years have we seen other people there and we were like hey, and they were like hey, get off my court. And then we just played each other and yeah, you just played.

Speaker 3:

That's great. Oh my god, is it like a? It was like a turf war here between tennis and pickleball.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy, it's unbelievable. Anytime we've gone to a public court, you yeah, we have to wait for it. We're're like why did we do this? We thought maybe we'd venture out, but nope, it's just our little private court.

Speaker 2:

So are you guys playing singles sometimes?

Speaker 1:

We just play singles against each other.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, that's hard.

Speaker 1:

How many?

Speaker 2:

times do you win. It's a great workout. I've never won, that's what I say. If I can get a couple points, I feel proud of myself. I've never won, that's what I say If I can get a couple of points.

Speaker 1:

I feel proud of myself Exactly. If it's not as yep it really is, I'm not a fan. I do love playing with him and playing doubles and it's been fun to see. Just I don't know, it's probably because I'm competitive, but it's fun to see of our friends in their relationships how quickly things can fall apart, how mad people get, how out of shape that you know. Oh, you look at your cute skinny new girlfriend. Let's play pickleball. Disaster it's. It's an equalizer.

Speaker 2:

We'll just say it was hard, not easy, and there's not. There's very few couples that play together. We call it pickle divorce. I go oh, are you pickle divorced? Yeah, we don't play with each other, and we fought through it, though, and now there's no one I'd rather play with, but a year ago, I wanted to kill him. I was not happy.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think it's interesting again just to see what it brings up in you individually, how it makes you, because I, you know, I'm I consider myself to be in great shape. You know I can, I could run a half marathon. I'd probably have to train at this point. You know, I played volleyball in college. I just I'm very fortunate that I'm as able-bodied as I am and I've always been interested in remaining active, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it was. It's very humbling because when you start something new and you're not great at it, yeah, I went.

Speaker 2:

I went through this thing where, um, when we started, hardly anyone around here was playing, so it was us and a bunch of guys, and so I thought I was getting really good. And then, when this tennis lady started coming over, I started feeling so bad about myself because I'm like they're better than me and I've been playing longer and then. But now you know, just keep with it, hard work and determination, and now I'm like I'm kicking some butt. So I've never been more obsessed about anything.

Speaker 3:

She's got a number of nicknames. One is little monster, and so I think that's probably the best.

Speaker 1:

I love that, I love that for you, and it's such a like the dichotomy of it. You're so sweet and pretty.

Speaker 2:

And then what a monster, or they call me spider monkey or a back wall, cause I get everything back.

Speaker 1:

Um yeah, Um, yeah, I can't wait to get a nickname. Steve is Steve's, unstoppable. I will say this and I hope I will never say this to him he's not going to get to watch this. He is, and I can't even say for his age he's 53 and he is the most most athletic person. Uh, we play younger, he's just.

Speaker 1:

He's the best person I've ever seen and everything he does it's annoying so he joined this one league with a friend of his from basketball and this he's like honey, you got to see these guys. They play from six to seven on tuesday and Fridays before work. They're all in their mid thirties and they're all like these really athletic finance guys and he's like I'm always the last one. They're rolling in with his hair all messy and whatever, and he's unstoppable. They play doubles and they, yes, and he's like, every single time he plays, whoever he's playing with, they win.

Speaker 1:

So, he said there's this one guy, he's really good, he's like I watch him all the time and I was like I'd love to play that guy. And then, like two weeks ago, he calls me on his he's late for work. He's like, honey, we played me and that guy, we played and I beat him. I was like what and it was so cute, because you know they all play the doubles and like whatever and then afterwards they kind of walked up to each other, you know like teenagers with little crushes like hey.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you're really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're good too. We should play sometime. And they played and he was so happy that he won, cause this guy's like 35 and you know he's 20 years older than him and he's still veto.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what. Like some of the guys up at the, there's a 78 year old guy, larry, who is a 12 year survivor of pancreatic cancer and he's really good you would not believe it and he's hanging with and that's the thing about rec play, and when you have these open play times, cause you get that, you'll get. I mean, the other day it was, you had a 74 year old me who's 51 and these two kids that are 18 playing and yeah, Everybody played like family members across.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And we get our, we get our boys out there. You know, we've got our. Boys are 20 and 23 now and they might play just when we ask them, and they're both amazing and and. But we will grind and grind and grind and just, you're not beating us, you're not beating us I love that, I love that mentality.

Speaker 1:

I do not give them anything. I I to the day, you know, and it's better for this. You know they don't need to.

Speaker 3:

I don't know this one, this one here, like if I start getting a little alpha out there and she could tell I'm really after him, she's like all of a sudden she'll hit one in the net. Oh, I'm sorry and I'm like don't you do it.

Speaker 2:

Don't you? Even they're my babies. You would eat them if it wasn't for me. That's what women are for we're to protect our children.

Speaker 1:

I'm with him. I beat mine as hard as I can. And I tell him every time you should be so grateful You've got a mom like me. This is so good for you. Would any?

Speaker 2:

of your friends' moms be out here doing this. He's always like, no, you know, if they knew that I did it, they'd be so mad.

Speaker 3:

Oh, they pick it up sometimes and they get some so mad, but they're. They're both really competitive too.

Speaker 2:

We all are. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe it.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's one thing that I want to play all the way, as far as we can take it, and I want to get as good as I can possibly get. There's so much to learn in this game, like right now. What are the roles right? Starting to get that that I thought I never could have. And then I'm watching these youth and how they lean way out there and they get all that strength, just all that power, just with a little flick and I'm like, okay, that's my next thing that I need to learn, you know.

Speaker 2:

And somebody was talking to me about backspin the other day and I'm like I can't do that.

Speaker 1:

Or not backspin slice.

Speaker 2:

Slice, do that or not. Backspin slice, slice, slice, yeah, and I can't do that, I just don't have it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why it seems like guys have it more than girls. It's because they're they're flailers. But you know what you can do. You can continue having good sleep. That's true, because all of that repair, that happens when they will sacrifice, that, when they don't think that that's important, they're going to show up and that's going to be the day that you take them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah that's right. You know what I can't I? I have to have good sleep and right now I'm, um, I'm leading a group for my Bible study and I have to get up at 5am on Friday mornings and it kills me and so, and so one day out of the week where I have this normal schedule, right, it's all cooked in and I, but when you and it just started. So I had my first one last Friday, and so this morning I was up at 5am and I have to go back to sleep afterwards because I'm just a mess Like I'll never make it. I have to play a league match tonight till 10 o'clock, so, um, so I go back to sleep, but I feel horrible that whole day until I can get my Friday night sleep and wake up on Saturday on my normal time. So what, what is there anything that I can do? I mean, I can't change my going to bed earlier.

Speaker 1:

No, you can't Nope, so that's your chronotype. We all have individual chronotypes. There are four different kinds that determine how we sleep, our circadian rhythms of when our specific body is going to do what it's going to do. So you know the night owls versus the morning larks. There is about 35 percent of the population that is considered night owls. They stay up a little bit later. Morning larks need to go to bed earlier because they rise so early, which is more 45% of the population.

Speaker 1:

There are more people who function better early early in the morning which is unfortunate, because in the workforce that's very highly reported If you first went in the office, grind, grind, grind. And that doesn't necessarily mean that they're doing better work. It's a mentality shift.

Speaker 3:

It's an optic. It's an optic.

Speaker 1:

It really is. There are some people who come alive at 3pm and everybody's shutting the doors. So whatever it is that your body is telling you on a cellular level is just what we have to listen to. It's really hard to force ourselves to become something that we're not. Whether that is okay, I can function on less sleep, no, you can't. Or some people saying I want to sleep more but your body doesn't need it, that's not going to work either. Shifting those types of natural cellular rhythms is really, really difficult, so all we could do is, I mean, I'll still say, if you're doing six out of seven days really well, then that's better than most people.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and I don't fully feel like I go back to sleep. At least last year when I was doing it, I didn't feel like I could fully get, but I I just to be in the dark room, I shut all the curtains and everything, cause it goes from 5.00 AM till 6.45. And then I tried to get two more hours of sleep, um, so 6.47.

Speaker 1:

I'd be interested to see if a if a grounding mat would help. It's a reinitiation can be really difficult. A lot of people do have the opportunity to reinitiate sleep after some sort of morning awakening, like getting the kids on the bus or like they have to do something. But then there's more time and that's always hard for them to say like okay, I can't get back to sleep, but like it's already over that time is over, but again all these little things that are coming out now that time is over, but again all these little things that are coming out.

Speaker 1:

Now I had one woman tell me that she got the grounding sheets and how, in her morning hours. That was when she was the least physiologically comfortable. She's like I couldn't get, I can't get resituated, and like all the little tricks and like her whole bedtime routine, it didn't work in her morning hours and I realized that there is some sort of influx of a hormonal difference that's happening for her every day at that time.

Speaker 1:

She started with a grounding sheets and she was like. It literally felt like some fire was put out in my body.

Speaker 2:

Wow, okay, I'm sold.

Speaker 3:

I will tell you so. I've only had it last three nights, four nights, and I have slept like a stone. And it's great I was, I get pretty good sleep anyway, but it's different. It's like, oh wow, that was a, that was pretty neat.

Speaker 2:

And it had some other effects on me. We're, we're, we're, uh, sorry, okay.

Speaker 2:

So, the people probably don't know, but we don't sleep together and we're going to address that like head on, cause people would probably like um and we've talked about this in previous episodes since. But since we're doing it again, we should talk about it again because it's saved us getting up multiple times a night. It just made me angry at John and I got madder and madder and madder and we'd fight in the middle of the night and then you wake up the next morning you feel like crap and you're still mad because you know he'd say he didn't, he didn't do anything and I'm like, yes, you did. I'm not making this up and you know that she's filming me, and then I'm filming him and everything, and so you know, we don't sleep together, but we're.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it's made us a happier couple and I think I feel like it's made us um, uh, we have more um. You know, everyone thinks that well, oh, if you don't sleep together you're not having sex. That's's not the case.

Speaker 1:

Just make setting the record straight, so give us your thing, literally say this all the time. First of all, human beings were not meant to co-sleep. When we have thoughts about our grandparents and how they had twin beds on the other sides of the rooms, our brain automatically goes to something sexual, like oh well, they're prudes or they don't want to touch each other. But that wasn't the case. Historically, human beings didn't co-sleep because of the dangers it caused to each family unit. The family units that had to co-sleep were either so poor that they didn't have other rooms in a house. They had one room house where everybody ended up sleeping in the same bed for warmth and lack of space or options, or it is more directly caused by the influx of queen mattresses.

Speaker 1:

When they were invented in the 80s, the queen mattress marketing was so effective where they were saying in these commercials if you don't sleep with your partner, you don't love them. If you don't co-sleep with your person, then there's something wrong with your relationship. It changed the psyche of American people to say that co-sleeping meant sex, co-sleeping meant love, when in reality relations are happening any other place that is your place for sleeping. So in the recent years we have found the National Sleep Foundation puts out a study of sleep across America. Every year they survey millions of people asking them questions about their sleep, and we found that 25% of married couples do not co sleep.

Speaker 1:

One in four, but nobody wants to talk about it because of the implication where it might say something about your intimacy levels, and it's simply not the case. I also had a woman come up to me after I spoke at a conference once and and you know, I talk about sleep get everybody excited. And everybody comes up afterwards in a line and like oh gosh, that was so great. And I saw this woman waiting her turn meekly in the corner and there were like 15 people that would come up and go and she kept hiding. I was like this is going to be good. Whatever this woman wants to tell me, I cannot wait to hear it. So she finally waits till everybody leaves. Does she come up? It's like I have to tell you something and I think you might think it's strange, but I want to know what you think.

Speaker 1:

She said my husband and I got divorced a few years ago and then, you know, there was this big recession. Immediately we could not sell our house. We ended up living together as a divorced couple for six months and she said in that time we fell back in love because we weren't sleeping in the same room. She said he was sleeping in the guest room, I was sleeping in the main room and I was able to get high quality sleep. I didn't know how much I resented him for disturbing me. She said we fought constantly and I was exhausted. And as soon as that factor was remained, we became friends again. We fell in love again.

Speaker 1:

She's like we are having intimacy all over the house. She said we're actually going to get married. Yeah, that I've never been happier. I never would have thought that it was because that sleeping in the same room was detrimental to not just the marriage but their health, their well-being. So she said have you ever heard anything like this before? And I said I have not, but I guarantee other people should hear it, because why would you think that that could be such a deterrent like a really a negative factor? It's really ingrained in us through the media that co-sleeping means love. It never is a story that's told where it's cold sleeping could be causing problems.

Speaker 3:

Wait a minute. Are you saying that what the media tells us?

Speaker 1:

is not always accurate, I mean.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know, I don't even I can't fathom it I'll have to strike that. No, it's, it's funny. It's great though because, like even even the simple things, um, it's great though, because, even the simple things, she likes to go to bed a little earlier than I do, and so now she can. She doesn't have to like I'm trying to read my book or not wake her up. Don't move, don't move, don't move You're flinching and I'm like I'm not flinching, you know that whole thing, and I go back.

Speaker 2:

I watch a few things that she wouldn't want to watch comfortable. And then I'm good and we're how does that not sound? It's amazing, it's awesome, it's amazing. And so I had to tell that we had to talk about this for our listeners, because it's just. There should be no shame in that there should be no shame.

Speaker 1:

Plus, you have science on your side.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you have science we have a sleep scientist on our side too too.

Speaker 2:

Look, we have real. I mean this is a we're a couple, real couple who has gone through that and I mean just, it is a game changer. So I wanted to share that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's just it. If more people shared it, then more people would understand, A, that it's so much more common than people realize and, B, that there's nothing wrong with it. It is really kind of strange. People are just like I don't want to talk about it because there is that association with intimacy. But again it stands that the opposite is always true.

Speaker 2:

And we'd be having sex all over the place. But Grammy lives with us.

Speaker 1:

Just kidding, poor Grammy. No, I'm kidding, she's lucky to have you.

Speaker 3:

We still have to be a little proprietary with that. Yes, and for people who might not have heard this, at the beginning too, this is your job and you speak to companies and you help employees, and you're going to do it again with my company. I thought what a great time right before Daylight Savings, because then everybody gets a little messed up for a while, and it's always the most popular thing when we have you come speak to the employees, because nobody talks about this stuff, and what company wants to tell their people you need to get more sleep? Because, no, you need to work more.

Speaker 2:

Didn't you say, that was like?

Speaker 3:

the most engaged your employees were oh yeah, it was the most attendees we've had, the most feedback we've received, and I can't wait to do it again, because since the last time we did this, you know, we've acquired a couple of companies. There's going to be people. This will be the first time they have a chance to hear something like this.

Speaker 1:

Well, that warms my heart. You know obviously I'm biased, but it is something that everybody needs. And once companies catch up and realize that encouraging their employees to sleep is only going to help their bottom line and not hurt it, then we're going to be in a new phase. Google implemented those napping pods throughout their entire campus. The second they got the research that showed that well-rested employees were more productive. They said all right, you know what if you are not rested, if you feel tired, and even the science behind how, neurologically, people become more creative when they're well rested. They literally said nap anywhere, anytime and do better, and that was over seven years ago.

Speaker 2:

That's incredible. So you know what They've done pretty well.

Speaker 1:

You know what I thought about They've done all right for themselves.

Speaker 2:

That kind of. You know, as we get more of these cars that can drive themselves to, you know that people can sleep in.

Speaker 3:

They do they have. They have people who sleep in their car. That scares the hell out of me, but still Yep.

Speaker 1:

Yep, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Well, I want people to, if people want to find out more aboutcom.

Speaker 2:

My company is called sleep health specialists, or you can just Google me, sarah, and so do you do you do a virtual, so you virtual into you like set up a webinar and she virtuals in. That's awesome. Okay, and last question what's your favorite pickleball shot?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, your favorite shot that you hit.

Speaker 2:

Are you at the point where?

Speaker 1:

you're dinking yet. No, not well, we'll say that. Um, I think my favorite, the, I think the favorite part of my game is myself. So here's the thing it's. It is, it's powerful, but it's not like you can't hit it, but I just never oh.

Speaker 3:

I love that I can't see him sometime.

Speaker 1:

He'll serve, he'll hit the net, he'll go a lot. I'm always in the back corner, so I think I've kind of perfected.

Speaker 2:

That. That's so nice and I have a really crappy serve, but it's 98%, 99%. I mean sometimes I never had it out like, but it's so accurate that I can keep it in play. And they even said that that you know they they're trying to find ways to de-weaponize the um, the serve because they never.

Speaker 2:

It was never meant to be a weapon, so they're trying to make the the pros like um, either drop the ball or like making the underhand a little more difficult so that they can't power power it so just so you know so that's a really good thing to have.

Speaker 3:

For now. Well then, you'll move on Until they outlaw you until you're too good, too cool for school.

Speaker 1:

Little monster number two.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no we need to. At some point we've got to play, and that would be great if you're ever, if you're ever down here, if we're ever up there. We got to do this. I don't know how we don't talk more you kind of stare me with the bugs.

Speaker 1:

Why don't?

Speaker 3:

you come here we have the lakes, we have the private court I invite you yeah, that sounds good, much rather come your direction oh, she's well, and I'll tell you this because the heat here is just oppressive and it's finally cooling off a little bit. But it got to a point this summer. I finally just wised up. I will not play outside during the day, I will play indoors.

Speaker 2:

It's the dew point, sarah. And does that affect your sleep too? Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

No, literally. There's a reason I haven't left yeah I can't handle high temperatures. I can't handle humidity. It's uh, for me physiologically unbearable. I will stay inside all day, every day. Right now, it is 78 and sunny, with a humidity of 24 inches. This is this place really is. I cannot wait for you to visit. Plus, we have all of our Michelin restaurants.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so listen. The humidity here is 41% and the dew point is 65.

Speaker 3:

And it's 92 degrees Real feel 99.

Speaker 2:

There are times Usually we're not humid here. As far as I've lived in Texas, it has been dry heat in this part of Texas. This feels like Houston or Florida, and it's so hard because I'll be out there and all of a sudden I feel like I can't breathe. That's awful.

Speaker 1:

That's really that just doesn't sound like it's healthy enough, come on down.

Speaker 3:

Come on down the home of the fire ant and the dew point I'm at least appropriately attired now I

Speaker 2:

love that you're wearing that jacket. It looks so good on you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Oh, the other two were pitchers.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we've got to get the picks.

Speaker 1:

They've been pretty popular.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome. They've got the banger shirt.

Speaker 2:

Oh, did you Really? Oh, that's awesome. I need to send you my newest thing. I'm making pickleball ornaments for Christmas and they were a huge hit at this Picklefest.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say those will be a big hit. Yeah, they were, everyone was like oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

But you know what they are, sarah? They're broken pickleballs that people were going to throw away, and people have been collecting them for me because I didn't know what I was going to do with them, but I knew that they didn't need to go into a landfill, so I was like people will put them in my mailbox. We go out there and have broken pickleballs been delivered and people are digging through trash cans for me so but I mean, but really honestly, these were we. The balls break so often they should just.

Speaker 1:

I see a problem here, right if we can find a way to recycle them and also bring people joy.

Speaker 2:

So now I'm really into these, like I'll send you some, yeah that's so great.

Speaker 1:

Born entrepreneur god she's. Or just a crafter.

Speaker 3:

She's a creative genius. There's no doubt, sarah, you're one of my favorite people. I don't know why we don't talk more, and it's always great to have you I love it. We're going to have some video clips and I'll share them with you and then we'll have the full episode will be out.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you know about that and we'll share it, share it, share it. Well, you know I adore you guys and always have a great time chatting, and can't wait for you to come.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait either. I love your energy and keep on pickling.

Speaker 1:

You too.

Speaker 3:

Have a great weekend and thanks guys, you too We'll chat.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, bye now.